If you’ve ever got any enquiries connected to your web hosting account or you encounter a problem with your websites, you’ll have to contact the respective hosting company’s help desk support team. It may not make any difference how promptly they will answer when you have an inquiry of a generic nature, but an issue such as a botched application update, for instance, may lead to your site becoming broken or unavailable online. And the longer you wait for the support team to get back to you, the longer the website will be down. If you offer goods or services online, any outage will influence your site harmfully and you can lose current or potential clients. Many web hosting providers, predominantly resellers, handle trouble tickets and emails within twenty four hours, but in the e-world this is much too long, as visitors will scarcely ever go back to a site that is not working correctly over lengthy stretches of time.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting
With a shared website hosting from our company, you can forget about waiting for hours on end, or even all day, to receive an answer to a ticket or an e-mail. No matter when you get in touch with us, we’ll get back to you within one hour max with any pre-sales or technical enquiries you may have. The fact is, our real reply time hardly ever surpasses 20-30 minutes. Since we’re at your service 7 days a week, you’ll always obtain help in a well-timed fashion and we are aware of precisely how critical this is in the digital age. Soon after you contact us, we will respond to your enquiries. If you bump into any technical complication, we will take care of it for you, or we will provide you with all the necessary information if there is something that you have to do yourself.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
We promise that if you post a ticket through your hosting Control Panel or write an email associated with your semi-dedicated server, you’ll receive a response within only one hour. You can get in touch with us whenever you wish in regard to general, technical or billing matters and since we are working night and day, you’ll always receive assistance without delay. Depending on the specific question or issue, we will provide you with more details, fix the problem if it’s been caused by something that’s within our reach or instruct you on what actions to take in case you have to modify a given setting for a software application that we can’t access. You can just forget about waiting for a whole day for each answer. As a matter of fact, in most cases we answer tickets and emails within twenty-twenty five minutes max.